IMPORTANT: As data loss is often caused by physical damage on a hard disk, it is vital that you stop using the device and seek specialist advice straight away. If your data loss is on the same drive that you use Windows on, make sure you turn your computer off as soon as possible. If your data is important to you, give us a call today on 02 9588 9853 to speak to one of our staff who will be happy to assist you with your enquiry.
Available Data Recovery Services

IDE / SATA / SCSI / SSD Hard Drives
We recover data from a wide range of hard drives Software faults, Formatted Disks, Deleted Files, Mechanical and Electronic Failures.

RAID Arrays
We recover data from all RAID types. This includes logical and mechanical errors.

XD / SD / CF / MS / MMC Cards & USB Stick
We can recover data from a range of digital media and memory cards. Formatted cards, Corrupted cards, Deleted Files and Damaged Devices.

Smart Phone Data Recovery
We can recover existing, hidden or deleted.

Data Destruction Services
We can either erase the media so it can be reused by you or we can physically destroy the media in a secure environment.

Hard Disk Duplication
Duplicate the hard disk copy to another working hard disk.